Publications from PHAR-QA members
- Does the Subject Content of the Pharmacy Degree Course Influence the Community Pharmacist’s Views on Competencies for Practice?
- Project Report: A Description of the European Pharmacy Education and Training Quality Assurance Project
- Review: Systems for Quality Assurance in Pharmacy Education and Training in the European Union
- Review: The Production of a Framework of Competences for Pharmacy Practice in the European Union
- Concept Paper: Heterogeneity of Pharmacy Education in Europe
- Erasmus Subject Evaluations
- The PHAR-QA Project: Competency Framework for Pharmacy Practice—First Steps, the Results of the European Network Delphi Round 1
- How Do European Pharmacy Students Rank Competences for Practice?
- What is a Pharmacist: Opinions of Pharmacy Department Academics and
Community Pharmacists on Competences Required for Pharmacy Practice. - A Study on How Industrial Pharmacists Rank Competences for Pharmacy Practice: A Case for Industrial Pharmacy Specialization
- PHAR-QA publication Parascu, et al, Gauging Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Activities in PHAR-QA “Kickoff” Meeting.